
Reset System:

Our server has a reset system. A reset is an opportunity to make your character stronger by resetting your progress. After the reset, your character will appear with level 1 and a certain number of points to distribute characteristics.

SM/BK/SUM get 500 stat points after reset, ELF/MG/DL/RF get 600. The more resets you have, the more points you get each time.
For example, at reset 10, MG will have 600*10 = 6000 points to distribute.

Basic Requirements:

  1. Be of the required level
  2. Have the required amount of Zen in your inventory (see table below)
  3. Open the system reset window via the F10 menu

Reset Table:

ResetsLevel RequirementZen RequirementPoints - SM | BK | SUMPoints - Elf | MG | DL | RF
00 - 01 350 Level5,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
01 - 02 360 Level5,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
02 - 03 370 Level5,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
03 - 04 380 Level5,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
04 - 05 390 Level5,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
05 - 10 400 Level15,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
10 - 15 400 Level25,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
15 - 20 400 Level35,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
20 - 25 400 Level45,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
25 - 30 400 Level55,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
30 - 35 400 Level65,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
35 - 40 400 Level75,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
40 - 45 400 Level85,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points
45 - 50 400 Level100,000,000 Zen500 Points600 Points

Grand Reset:

The maximum reset on the server is 50. But this is not the limit! After receiving the maximum reset (50), you can reset them to zero and get a Grand reset!
This transformation is named in analogy with a reset, because to get a Grand reset, you need to get 50 resets.

Grand Reset Requirement:

  1. Be the required level (400)
  2. Be the required reset (50)
  3. Have the required amount of Zen in your inventory. (see table below)
  4. Open the system reset window via the F10 menu

In addition to Zen, for a grand reset you need to have a certain amount of Jewel in your inventory (see the table below)

Grand Reset Table:

Grand ResetsZen RequirementJewel RequirementStatsReward
00 - 011,500,000,000 Zen10x - Jewel of BlessJewel of SoulJewel of LifeJewel of Chaos10.0002x - Reward Box of 2nd Stage
01 - 021,500,000,000 Zen20x - Jewel of BlessJewel of SoulJewel of LifeJewel of Chaos20.0002x - Reward Box of 3rd Stage
02 - 031,500,000,000 Zen30x - Jewel of BlessJewel of SoulJewel of LifeJewel of Chaos30.0002x - Reward Box of 4th Stage
03 - 041,500,000,000 Zen40x - Jewel of BlessJewel of SoulJewel of LifeJewel of Chaos40.0002x - Reward Box of 5th Stage
04 - 051,500,000,000 Zen50x - Jewel of BlessJewel of SoulJewel of LifeJewel of Chaos50.0001x - Bonus Box of 5th Stage